We have an active PPG at our practice and we are still looking for individuals to join this group that will help us plan any changes and improvements to our services.
You will help us ask the right questions in a survey of our patients, which we run every year. Once we have the answers, we will develop a plan to improve anything highlighted as needing action. As a member of the group, you will then agree the plan.
We are also looking for individual to form a virtual Patient Participation Group to engage more patients to get involved with shaping the services provided in the locality. More members are always welcome. Contact is by email, or telephone if you prefer, and there are no actual meetings to attend; you are asked for your opinion on matters relating to the practice and NHS services.
Please leave your name and contact details at the reception, or fill in the form below, and you will be contacted by Administration Manager or the PPG Chairperson.
At present we have 11 members in our group. More detail is displayed in the waiting area at the practice.
Contact the Patient Group
Contact the Patient Participation Group to join, or with any suggestions, comments and feedback for the forum meetings by completing the below form.